Our circumnavigation route

Embarking on a sailing journey is always exciting, but it can also be unpredictable due to the ever-changing course of Mother Nature. Our adventure began in July 2022 as we set sail for a tour around the Caribbean Islands. We consider ourselves very fortunate to have been able to sail around these stunning Islands, living on a sailboat and experiencing the thrill of it all. On February 1st, 2023, we arrived in The Bahamas and planned to stay there until the end of April 2023. This gave us plenty of time to immerse ourselves in the culture and beauty of this remarkable island. After our stay in The Bahamas, we plan to sail back to the Eastern Caribbean and explore various islands with our extended family members. Sharing our sailing experience with loved ones is essential to us, as we hope to create lasting memories. In November, we will visit the US Virgin Islands, and from there, we plan to sail to wherever our friends from the sailing Mabul are, be it Belize, Honduras, or Panama. In February and March 2024, we plan to transit through the Panama Canal, marking the beginning of our voyage on the vast Pacific Ocean. Although this leg of our journey is expected to be challenging, we are eagerly anticipating the opportunity to experience the immense beauty of the Pacific and all it has to offer.